PM Bhattarai orders VC to end hospital row, retain Dr Koirala

PRIME Minister Baburam Bhattarai has instructed the Tribhuvan University vicechancellor to resolve the issue of TU Teaching Hospital and ‘persuade Dr Bhagawan Koirala to withdraw his resignation’. In a tweet on Monday, PM Bhattarai informed that the government had also provided a sum of Rs 50 million to TUTH to overcome the financial problem. He has called for joint efforts to resolve the problems instead of engaging in a blame game. The prime minister’s tweet comes in the wake Dr Koirala’s resignation as the TUTH executive director on Friday. Dr Koirala had stated that non-cooperation from “department heads” and lack of financial support from the government forced him to quit. Writing on Facebook on Monday, Dr Koirala said that “the University Teacher’s Association and unions showed resentment with [my] tight regulations. It became extremely painful when some ‘leaders’ and ‘clean’ professors started justifying patient referrals out of the Hospital.” When he got the charge of the hospital, said Dr Koirala, it had over Rs 660 million in negative balance and he was assured of financial support by the government, which never materialised. He further stated that “the authority to make decisions on financial and administrative matters had always been seized by the TU’s central office, going against government rules and regulations”. He also mentioned that a precondition he had set before taking charge of the hospital was giving more financial and administrative authority to the Institute of Medicine (IoM), the TUTH governing body. Dr Koirala stated that working full time in the TUTH cardiac surgical programme along with an administrative job became the “final tipping factor”. However, he will continue to run the Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery at Manmohan Cardiothoracic Vascular and Transplant Centre. Meanwhile, over 100 TUTH officials staged a sit-in on Monday outside the IoM office demanding that Dr Koirala’s resignation not be accepted.

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